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Thursday, January 31, 2008

WEDNESDAY 30 January 2008

woke up early.
got ready and went out of house around 1045 to go meet kb.
headed down to ten mile to buy those goodies for Monday.
went back lot one to have our breakfast.
after that see mei nu playing chi musical instrument.
but kb wanted to see other things instead.
she want to see and know when " _ _ _" is performing.

went back kb house.
lift door open le saw both monkeys aka aaron n alton waiting by the staircase with their PEPS uni.
princess school la.
tuitioned them.
dun really pick on alton that much as it was his birthday.
but this aaron is really pissing me and kb off.
he and his nonsense can never be separated.
this led us to tie his right hand and his pen together,using round lashing.
tie his left hand to the side of the chair by using a dead knot,thumb knot,clove hitches and round lashing.
tie his body to the chair.
oh ya.
plus pasting a masking tape to his mouth.
eventually, he still can get out somehow.
too clever alrd.
so dunnid study.
but he forget that this year is his PSLE.
when can he ever wake up.
always want be a playboy.
Niki la Esther la.
wonder what will happen when he step up into secondary school next year.
i believe he will be one kind of a little charm.
not interested.

after that,
cc training.
no comments.
no comments.
and no comments.
just that the shelter that they built i believe is for bangla to set it as their HQ.

Lewis was such a stubborn ass.
regretted seeing him while i was on my way home.
as much as how i forced him to go home,
he still wont budged.
as a result,
there's a small arguement between me n my dear boss. (-_-")
at least everything ended nicely and peacefully.

a cold (shud i say) WW3 is happening.
which is soo unexpected and so dunno how to describe.
the situation is soo unlogical and so doesnt make sense.
and i mean everything.
everything just doesnt fit in place and is so confusing cum contradicting.
the person whom shud be the one actually feel angry and go berserk actually is very relax.
but the person whom is totally 100% confirm guarantee plus chop not involved got angry instead.
wonder what is happening.
dunnid to wonder.
i seriously want to know what is happening.
although i may not be the one in the picture,
i really want to know what is happening so as to take it as a point to learn.
dunwan to comment much for this.
MOUSE is hot in our list.
thank you and fullstop.
gimme a break.
and some cheese maybe.

im back to listening to 987fm!!
because my favourite MUTTONS TO MIDNIGHT is back!!!!
how i miss those wacky deejays justin n vernon.
they were my companions during my late night study for Olevels.
just cant get enough of them.
the moment i thought they were gone,
they were just having a 3 weeks break.
now my mom can keep going to my room in the middle of the night and ask me why i kept laughing non stop like kena possess by hantu.
and vernon can forever hate him.
but he's just too cute!!!
" eh Vernon,why u look so slim ah?the old folks home didnt feed u enough is it?"
oh my~
that sentence left me laughing non stop 2 nights ago.

THURSDAY 31 January 2008

woke up with a morning hp vibration.
kb call.
right before my alarm at 1030 am,
she called around 1015.
15 mins of my precious time sleeping wasted.
analysing situation.
analysing suspects.
like my dream CSI.

for the moment i thought my com was not working.
but who knows.
it was actually one of the most stupid reason that i thought my com has gone haywire.
now it's back to normal.
thats why yst i cant blog.
and thats why i blogged today!
random and lame.

will be having a date with my two bitchy partners later on aka rahman and jonathan.
and this rahman want me pei him go school just to take his Dnt folio as tml he having interview in TP.
u wan go school,
go urself.
dun ask me.
i only go in there for valid purposes.
this kind of purpose,
to u is valid.
but to me,
but i still want find tan kee seng to thank him abt my math results though.
act cute.

and maybe finding kb later part of the day to tuition the two charms once again and also other that that,
to carry on with our CSI task.
not bad.
MAYBE only.
cannot confirm.
because yesterday earthquake.
and today maybe Tsunami.

i realised ive not typed this person name for a long time.
and this person suddenly find me chat to kbkb me late in the morning in msn.
so let me do a shout out.

FABIAN KOH!!!!!!!!long time no see and i miss you very the much!!!lol.
but i miss RENA more la.
sorry heh.
JULITTA!!!wheres the lesson plan for our sisters gang meeting???!!!!lol.
fabian has interest in our upcoming meeting though.
nevermind nevermind.

HRC coming up people!!!
especially to area 20.

1:36 PM

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sunday 27 January 2008

went JB for some matters.
was not feeling that well.
and mood was not even there.
felt like a living zombie.
just felt miserable i dunno why.

filled in my JAE form.
made up my mind to really get into SP.
first course i chosen.
digital media.
COP 17.
hope i can get in.
cousin came my house.
as usual,
at the verge of puking seeing her face.
luckily i never really bothered.
she so high when saw my Olevel results.
urs will be in 2 years time.
trust me,
i wont even bother.

siblings tried to find fault and irritate me.
ended up getting spanked and lectured cum ranted by me.
who ask the both of u to play with fire.
nothing much on this day.
just alot of thinking involved.

Monday 28 January 2008

start of a new week.
monday blues.
just dunno why,
it was like a bad day to start a brand new week.
although nothing happened,
just felt like it was a bad day.

main event for today.
campcraft training.
cadets really deprove.
the extend of deprovement really cant be described with any words.
not really the girls team but more of the guys team.
their kind of lack-of-motivation face really pissed me off.
i really dunno what to say.
competition is coming.
sumore the guys will be going for it first.
15 feb.
this kind of performance and state,
how to go.
3 mins to tie one pathetic lashing?
how can.
sumore the lashing is not like how u describe it as WOW!
in fact one of it is like the worst round lashing i've ever seen.
if i have the chance to go to each and everyone of their face,
i really will give them one good lecture.
please please do make the effort to try ur best!
omg omg omg.
wake up ur idea.
no energy to scold or even comment about anything.

everything is back as per normal.
initially i was really stubborn.
but after a pathetic childish deal that was being made(lol),
i chose to get rid of this stubborn-ess.
although theres still abit.
and now,
everything is back to normal.
just hope that u really meant what u said.
i will definitely save our conversation.
remember the 10 things.
remember ur promises.
dun ever break it.
cherish this chance that i gave u.
because i can assure that it will be the LAST and FINAL chance.
get this drilled in ur mind.

Tuesday 29 January 2008

rotted at home as per normal.
read newspaper as per normal.
watched tv as per normal.
went to mom's workplace to do something.
last minute sumore.
pissed me off man.
went to meet kb after that.
she pon class again.
like lala~ land.
went swensens.
saw one of our cadet.
so wth.
im not the least bothered.
chatted alot of stuffs.
mainly ORGANIC stuffs.
kb u will know what i mean.
anti-oil food.
cant help but laughed until stomach cramp.
upgraded my ear stud.
from a small so called fake diamond to a bigger one.

u just cant believe it i have this kind of cadet.
although not under me,
soon to be under me right.
the word SHAME doesnt falls in his dictionary.
i seriously pity him very much.

7:55 PM

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thursday 24 January 2007

a moment of truth.
a most blissful memory to remember.
a greatest gift given by god the almighty.
the release of my Olevel results!!
those who wanna know my results please do ask me personally.
i am so satisfied with my results until i dunno what to say.
the subjects that im weaker in did the most improvement.
especially my math.
from an F9 for prelims i got a B4 for Olevels.

i almost could not believe the result slip being handed to me bears my name on it.
even my English i clinched a B3?
that was so unexpected.
at least im glad that i dun disappoint ms lee fong shai who had painstakingly taught me geography for 4 years straight although i kept disappointing her previously.
im most glad not to disappoint mr tan kee seng my math teacher!
yes obviously im indeed proud of myself.
even my parents cant believe their eyes but believe it or not,
they should believe it.

Friday 25 January 2007

training as per normal.
at least the stress factor was not that great as compared to previous week as i dunnid to take 3 squads in a row.
i just need to handle my own sec 2 squad and everything just go with the flow.
it is just so sad that THE WHOLE UNIT cant meet up to the timing for changing parade.
really dunno what to say nor comment.
my patience factor is also getting low.
some people are really getting on my nerves.
and believe me or what,
when my patience reach its limit,
to the people whom it may concern,
all of u will suffer under my hands.
just keep a lookout.
better start to be serious.
i cant stand anymore monkey antics.
i just had had enough of all these shits.
dun u ever thought of climbing over my head because when u decided to do so,
i will be stomping on u.

got to know something which made me really disappointed.
really disappointed.
what a major disappointment that i ever get in my life and why must it be on this day.
dun wish to elaborate.
and dun ever ask me.
i dunwan to talk about it or even thought of it.

Saturday TODAY!

today was AGM.
me,kb n Jannah P under PICARD cn score over the top.
because we're one hour earlier to reach TWSS.
but luckily we're not the first.
the first was LUANN ma'am from BPGHS.
we waited for the time to pass by in the canteen.
went to change to full-u.
to all unitians out there,
all of u should be grateful of ur own school toilet.(not offending anyone or any school here)
after changing to full u,
proceed to the GO area.
we were awed by their lifts and basement?
then saw Julitta in mufti rushing in and sweating like hell.
she changed into full u until so fast.
got to know that she alighted at the wrong bustop and walked over.
saw Afiq and then Razak.
Razak is no longer a BOTAK!
and eng khye cant call him,
"eh botak!" anymore!!
proceed to the IT resource room or whatever it is called.
opening speech by foo chang sir and blah blah blah.
was totally not interested nor paying attention.
they are either talking or laughing or smiling away or PRETEND to be listening but the brain is dead.
and mind u,
all inside there ARE indeed CIs.
oh ya,
excluding one 30 yr old lao jiao aka police aka sergeant aka SPF aka there-to waste-time and-abuse-authority aka kbkb-face who was there joining us CIs for the meeting.
the start of the meeting was quite a bore until Soon Keng sir came in.
D07 starts to get high.
for almost whole of the meeting,
me and Julitta kept ourself busy by pretending to write notes in our notebook but hell no.
we were having an ancient kind of MSN.
SK sir really entertained us alot.
his personality and reaction during AGM totally stunned us because he was darn hilarious.
i mean it,
his laughter is so addicting that it keeps playing in my mind until right now.
most of the time,
even when foo chang sir was talking,
he was totally not paying attention but in fact was LMAO-ing with another sir called Vincent also from BPGHS.
and when SK sir laughed,
Julitta laughed.
and when Julitta laughed,
i laughed.
and when me n Julitta laughed,
Razak turned and look at us and laughed.
and when the 3 of us laughed,
Afiq turned and look at the 3 of us and laughed too.
the whole situation was damn hilarious.
the meeting was really a lagging session until Mingjun sir even put his head on the table at certain point of time.hahahaha.

in the middle there was a break and we took the time to laugh our hearts out.
during break too,
Nicol strolled in with his mufti and he went to change in the toilet.
plus Nicol,
is equals to chaos.
everyone is practically laughing.
and for this Razak,
i dunno whats wrong with him,
he kept laughing by himself.
in the end we also laughed as he was laughing.

nomination for area coordinator and ass. coordinator was like a laughing plus sabo-ing session.
congrats to Razak for being nominated as the ass.coord but too bad he didnt manage to take up the post.
when LUANN ma'am asked fo any nominations for area coordinator,
initially no one said anything.
until out of a sudden NICOL said,
oh my freaking god!!
i cant stop laughing because of that.
i guessed he missed our dear Delta squad instructor so much.
then all the nominees were sent out so that the people inside cn vote.
and when the nominees are allowed to go in,
out of a sudden SK sir shouted,
"congrats ah Razak!"
damn cute n damn funny i tell u.
SK sir was just disturbing this Razak when the actualy ass.coord. is will be announced later officially.=)

i just began to hate or shud i rephrase has a negative perspective of this particular school.
this school already for dunno what reason not happy with USS for so called not participating in the event that they organised.
during break,
when me,jannah n kb walked pass them,
they stared at us like we owe them 10 lives.
during the meeting,
everytime they said or commented something,
they will turned to us to see if we were laughing at them or not.
just because there's one so called SPF sergeant there with u,
all of u think u owned the whole NPCC.
please luhhh.
get a life.
do a self reflection about ur own school first before commenting others.
they even took the opportunity to comment on a GOLD unit sumore.
okay not really THEY la but more of a HE.
im talking about the guy who holds the warrant card like what he said.
oohh im so scared.
come arrest me la.
i sue u for intruding privacy and cause public disruption and also who lagged the time until the meeting ended half an hour later.

i just dun want to elaborate about my life after that AGM.
congrats to dad for winning that GOLD award for the Singapore International Halal whatever(i forgot the last word) fine dining competition.

after this would be an official announcement.
and as what i had promised to that person voluntarily,
i will put it in big fonts.



(dun keep saying i sabo u.is SK sir shouted ur name for the nominees and also SK's hand was the first and the straightest to be raised up in order to vote for u.hahahaha.congrats ah)


i dun understand why u did what u did.
u should have told me the truth.
the real truth.
dun give me the crap that u dunwan to spoil my happiness on that day.
i cant take it that u actually lied to me about it.
u didnt even intend to tell me the truth until i went to ask u as i had a bad feeling.
in fact the truth was the most hurting thing i have ever heard or saw from u.
u really despised me BIG TIME.
sorry for my lack of vocab or better word to use but i think thats the most appropriate word.
one thing.
u lied to me.
another thing,
u dun intend to tell me the truth until i asked u.
most final and major thing.
u broke ur promise!!
dont u ever think im torturing u.
dont u ever think im making use of u.
and dont u ever think i dont meant what i said.
this is really so sad.
i expected high from u not because of my selfish purpose.
but is for urself.
u urself know well.
in fact u know me better than i know myself.
i expected high from u as it is for ur own goodwill and benefit.
i want u to gain the happiness.
i want u to have the taste of success again.
i want u to redeem what u have lost.
because everything is not the end for u.
i thought so much for ur welfare as i really do care about you.
i mean it.
i really do care about u,more than i care for myself.
just that i seldom show that i cared for u.
but after what has happened,
u have proved to me that im just wasting my own precious fcuking time.
and i thank you for that.
u dun talk to me.
i am very sad and upset.
im in a depression mode.
all because of u.
im so disappointed in u.
search ur own soul.

*people,dun ask me whats wrong.it has NOTHING to do with MY results.nothing to do*

' the happiness that u see on me are just superficial.
im torned apart deeply

10:37 PM

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

before anyone rants at me,
let me explain.
i didnt manage to blog these few days due to my tight and busy schedule.
not really that tight la.
just that i spent most of my time outside.

the main event that i had was going to RP for two days straight to wait for kb on the first day that was monday,
and on the second day with jannah to complete some npcc stuffs that needs to be done.

had cc training on Monday.
well my intention or our intention going back school was just to DECORATE NP ROOM FOR CNY.
but we still ended up so called taking cc training.
i saw the cadets lashings.
especially gyn lashing.
all i can say was,
oh my gawd.
actually there were alot of doubts.
what they did was quite different from what i'd learnt.


speaking of which,
it just give me goosebumps.
people have been calling and messaging me,
some even asked me out to celebrate on either of the days.
celebrate what sia.
results havent even get still thinking about celebrating.
i dun see any point of celebrating my-getting-olevel-results occassion.
certain point of time,
i expect high of myself.
certain point of time,
i even stooped myself until very low.
i just dunno what will i get.
many people out there asked me where i wan go,what course i want take.
sorry about that but i answered dunno not because of the sake of answering.
it's because i really dunno.
im the kind of person who wants to see my results right in front of my eyes before i can decide on my next step.
i dun believe in planning beforehand.

i hope that i will get the results that i want.
i cant afford to get a major disappointment.
this whole Olevel thingy is really a big leap forward.
(and i will just dread it when people from my mother's side call my house to ask my mom what i get for Olevel.this happen when i got my psle.it just pissed me off.cant they just worry about their own children other then sticking their nose to other people matters?F U)

i wish good luck to myself.
i wish good luck to DELTArians batch of D07.
i wish good luck to the D07 batch CIBTC.
i wish good luck to ALL my PRIMARY SCHOOL friends.
i wish good luck to ONLY THESE people in my secondary school:
-my 6 women cliques
-my 2 very bitchy rahman and jonathan
-anti-BCDE and anti-faeces face in 4/5
-all those who dun have any bad blood with me
-black mascara~
i wish good luck to BOSS.


i just hate it when u scolded me for no reason.
what's wrong with having lw msg in my hp?
is there any sin in doing that?
the message just contained a good luck wish for me to pass my Os.
and the message still contained stuffs such as not to treat u that hard and not expecting high from u.
the motive of lw sending that message was to prevent us from fighting.
and why u need to create a whole new shit to it?
why is there a need for u to get berserked due to the 3 messages?
the way u said it to me was like there's some hidden hanky panky in that message and im involved in it.
where's the faith and the trust so far?
where's the claim that we've made previously?
u totally ignored all those.
what is so disgusting about lw that made u hate him so much?
when in front of him,
u act as if nothing happen.
anything concerning lw,
i will be the one getting it from u.
he did nothing to me nor to u.
in fact he was always the saviour.
i believe that u dissed him due to some childish reason that any person in this world can give.
this kind of trait has been going on for so long and i wonder when will this end.
stop being paranoid to ur ownself.
it wont do good to anyone.
i dont feel that there's anything wrong for me to shout at u just now.
because u really deserve it.
save ur multiple apologies.
my perception of u will only be determined tomorrow.
i repeat it,
remember the promise that you've made to me and also to the person whom u know u should worship upon.

' why is my reflection someone i dont know

8:19 PM

Saturday, January 19, 2008

okay like i say,
i will update the continuation about yst event on a new post.
means today's post.
after that will be the event today.

YESTERDAY(continuation from previous post)

felt the heat and the stress and the pressure of taking almost 3 squads by myself.
but still,
i took the challenge.
dunnid for me to get into really detailed.
just that got some matters and problems that happened which i think i would not mention.
although i know it may affect me in a long term effect some way.
some things really need to be dealt with using the harsh way.
felt the relief and sense of satisfaction feeling after everything ended.
okay done.
dunnid say so much.
all i know is that i very tired.


woke up and saw my mom.
wondered why she was not working today.
talk to me until so good and so happy.
when just yst night she kbkb me like fcuk.

went to meet kb.
we headed down to NOKIA-DISAPPOINTING PEOPLE to collect kb mum's hp.
now is no more disappointing people.
now is u know what?
when we came,
we queued up at the place where we usually queued.
then suddenly i realised there's another Q on the other side.
i thot due to some people who are kiasu or dunno la.
we wait for the Nokia to open.
open le.
then i realised that some people from my line move to the other Q after the staff from the counter said some thing to them.
then when reaching our turn,
i saw a tag there at the counter where i was Q-ing.
then i saw the other counter's tag.
i told kb.
we there damn unhappy la.
all the staff no mouth to say is it which Q is for which.
even some of the customers there were unhappy.
dun only say us lor.
see la.
then need to re-Q.
some more damn long.
wah fcuk u la.
while we were Q-ing,
we there kbkb until v loud.
like some ah lian from dunno where.
even the woman infront of us join our conversation.
sibei funny.
we were there so long and the number was only C0005.
the number that we got was C0018.
so want us to wait until we rot to death and decompose is it??
sumore the guy at the counter like bapok sia.
the face also like noob.
ah nvm.
better dun waste my space talking about NOKIA.
can jam my whole com.

after NOKIA went to eat Pizza Hut.
okay as usual,
like last time when we went there,
there would be a sense of regret in us.
there's this guy.
dunwan to tell u why i suddenly say his name.
someone will know what i mean.
warrior huh.

then go buy helicopter.
the kiddy palace one la.
think what?
a real APACHE ar.
keep going to METRO n KIDDY PALACE to find a suitable helicopter.
in the end bought from KIDDY PALACE.
can fly very high.

after that went lot one and bought a VENDING MACHINE or i dunno what is it called.
A VENDING MACHINE or whatever that is almost the same as it.
next time i show u all.
kb bought and played with it until she got jackpot.
very cute one the vending machine.
blue colour.
doraemon sumore.

after buying,
went kb house and karaoke.
not bad arr.
the last time we karaoked together was few days before Olevels as far as i could remember.


Olevels results are coming soon.
i dunno what will my result be like.
i just hope that i will get what i expect.
*prays hard*

i will certainly hunt u for ur results.
dont ever run away.
a promise has been made.
if u ever broke the promise,
i assure u.
situation will get really fugly.
i dunwan such things to happen.
and i believe u also dunwan.
so we just wait and see.

' i will be really disappointed in you if it really happens.
trust me.

8:54 PM

Friday, January 18, 2008

this post gonna be a long one as im posting for 3 days worth of entries.
i didnt blogged the previous days as i reached home at night and was lazy right after that.
u either choose to read or siam off.

16 January 2008
kay basically what i remembered was that i spent my time from morning to night away from home.
morning i went to visit BOSS as he was sick.
went back in the afternoon and managed to catch some sleep.
woke up and happen to see a miss call made by KB.
called her back only to get the news that NP room key was lost.
cadets cnt proceed with training until 3.45 only after when the key was being 'found'.
how in the hell such a small key cn create such a big problem.
it's not lost after all.
went to meet KB at 6 plus.
'discussed'(lol) alot of things.
just hope that Jannah will come on Friday.
please come come come.
reached home at 9pm and made chaos at home.
dunnid for me to elaborate.
just to say,
i hate my family
but i love them too.

17 January 2008
thats the word to describe my mood today.
is that considered to b a word anyway?
woke up at 10am.
bathe and went down limbang to buy my sister's file.
so troublesome.
know how to cry only dunno how to go buy.
in the end i this good sister also need to go buy.
prepare to go meet Julitta at 12pm at cck control station.
while i was in bus 302,
i got the feeling that i may see Julitta walking towards cck intchange.
my intuition was right.
i saw Julitta at the traffic light.
was quite shocked as she was wearing PT KIT!
sumore carrying her bag and also a shoe bag!
pinned up her hair until so nice!
then i think back.
as far as i know,
it was suppose to be our sisters outing and we planning to zhua jiahui's workplace together.
then this woman wear PT KIT for what.
so passionate for np arh until our outing also need wear pt kit.
still i smsed her and so called ask she going HTA is it.
who knows when i got to know the reason,
i ROFL-ed instantly.
that was a good plan Julitta.
i shud learn from you some day.
maybe i will wear full u instead.

saw Benedict initially at cck intchange.
arh that dickhead.
dun care him.
people same school as him also he like blur sotong.
ya la.
Julitta asked whether he was from de la salle.
then he answer like blur sotong like that.

ok back on track.
took the train and we headed down to Bedok.
and i tell u,
being on the train with this woman called Julitta,
u wont be feeling the long journey of staying in that train.
because she can entertain u with her continuous laughter.
we basically gossipped,shared,talked,chatted and alot more and we laughed our hearts out about it.

reached Bedok intchange.
first mission was to find sheng siong.
if not for Julitta's eyes,
i think we will keep walking into the food centre.
jiahui called the day before to say the the sheng siong got front and back gate la and she will be at either place.
so we went to the front gate.
all the cashiers there were aunties.
no sign of jiahui.
i told Julitta,
maybe we will have a hard time finding her due to some physical problem.
then we proceed to the back gate.
first glance,
like there's no sign of jiahui.
who knows Julitta pointed to the front counter.
as i only could see the back view,
i told her that was not jiahui.
but still we proceed to confirm.
and it was indeed jiahui!
no wonder i cant recognize her,
she rebonded her hair!!!
ah lian go rebond hair arh.
not bad.
we laughed and left jiahui there with her work.

as it was still 1 plus and me n Julitta were already hungry,
we proceeded to mcdonald to have our lunch as well as waiting for the other 2 sisters.
talking to Julitta can really entertain the shit out of me.
we really talked about everything that we could think of.
and also dont forget,
laugh the shit out of it also.
i really cant forget about the cadet walking at parade square without beret thing la.
it was helluva funny!!!

3pm le.
waited for jiahui who just knocked off from work.
she still can ask which mcdonald cos she go the other side one.
nonsense ar this woman.
we continued chatting to wait for lao ban niang aka my dearest aka my lover aka my sister.
slow sia she.
i smsed her,
she said she at Bugis because the aunt still talking.
when Julitta called her,
she said she just left from Bugis.
when she arrived,
i asked her knock it down on the spot.

and so,
myself with the other 3 sisters chatted and had our 'meeting'.
right Julitta?
it was so hilarious when we shared each other experience and knowledge.
and also heinous plus scary methods of dealing with people.

damn funny like seriously la all of us.
200 balls of twine,
get top 10.
why not buy 400?
can get first.
a PEG was broken by a cadet.
how can??!!
stack of poncho can be interpreted as a pile of shit.
thanks to Nicol.

too bad Julitta had to go off at around 5pm.
her 'probation' period gonna end.
next time we still can meet up again and share the fun!!
stayed around in mac with rena n jiahui.
chatted more with added special features.
jiahui is getting more blur nowadays as she kena influenced(i also kena at later part of the day)by u-know-who-she-know-who-i-know-who-we-know-who person.
yeah RENA and JIAHUI??
damn funny and obiang la that person.
oh my gawd.
checkered red colour skirt with a blue top???
center parting???
and yes jiahui,
i wont forget what ur lao jiao said to her,
"finally there's someone uglier than you"
and her reaction??!!
sibei funny laaa!!!!
see la Julitta u miss the fun.
if u wanna know who the person is,
feel free to ask any of us.
i think u will laugh out loud more than me.

around 7 plus,
saw Daniel and Kang Ming in Mac.
me n Jiahui kept disturbing Rena.
not bad arrh.
still can show that want-to-deny kind of face when we asked whether she told him we're all in Bedok mac.
dun worry Rena,

head back around 8pm.
cant believed i actually stayed in mac from 1pm to 8pm.
i can happily work there n earn money.
no thanks.
took the train alone.
plugged in my earpiece and took out my notebook to jot down my MOI for tomorrow.
im just hoping for Jannah to come although i know i cant force her as she has some impt matters to settle.
so hard to plan when there's alot of loopholes in what ure gonna do.

18 January 2008
early morning went to meet KB to get her barang barang for later training.
chatted for awhile and went home.
CMI sian plus feeling very fucked up due to something that pissed me off at home.
some people can just get bloody sensitive.

[will update either on the next post or i continue on from here.so just continue to check out yeah as i need to go for training now.thank you.]

'if u dont know the real meaning and the real feeling of tired,
then dont use the term for the sake of using.
so will u kill urself if u finally get the real meaning and feeling of it?
feel free to do so.

12:00 PM

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

officially started my day by reading newspaper.
watched 'croc' on tv.
basically about a man-eating crocodile terrorizing the whole village or some kind la.
quite cool.
got darn bored after watching tv and hence,
i once again manage to complete one malay novel.
i successfully read the whole novel within 2 hours.
it was not that impactful as other novels i have read.

was on the com for awhile before i headed down to cosway to go meet kb for meeting.
went to NOKIA the shop there first.
that NOKIA shud change their slogan.
im serious.
instead of NOKIA-CONNECTING people,
they shud change it to NOKIA-DISAPPOINTING people.
thats the correct word.
everytime when i stepped in there,
there will be someone who will come crying and complain to the info counter saying that their hp gone haywire after being repaired.
i do wonder whether this NOKIA really repair hp or demon-ise hp.
im making a propaganda here,
dont ever go to the NOKIA care centre in causeway point.
u wont get connected but u will get disappointed.
NOKIA-disappointing people.

had dinner at swensens and had our meeting in the process.
things are getting more complicated nowadays in NP.
when will some people stop contradicting themselves.
well why bother.
like i say,
let me do things at my own pace.
come on people!
let's enjoy CI-ship!!

my family members love pao toh-ing or sabo-ing each other which i wonder why.
everytime want pao toh.
and it's not only the young ones but the old ones too!
oh well.
it's not surprising.
it has been quite a few years back since i'd realised that im living in a family of pao toh kias.
i wonder what does she get when she pao toh-ed me just now.
fuck you.

how will my condition get better when other people around me are getting sick??
just yesterday while i was in NTUC,
my nose was freezing until it cn go numb.
wonder whats happening to me.
i can feel cold out of a sudden nowadays.

'someone is sick now and needs immediate attention.
and i mean it.


fuck this world
i dont lie
doesnt matter how hard i try

8:50 PM

16 going on 17
USS-officially graduated
SP-digital media
NPCC - Cadet Inspector
LINKIN PARK is crave

a DEVIL yes i am
im NOT who u think i am
dont judge me by first impression
dont make ur own conclusion about me
if u wish to provoke me
thats ur choice
but dun blame me for being RUTHLESS
i dont force u to visit my blog
u cn take ur leave or ***k off if u feel intimidated
(the last word was a fake)

the ONES
SP 1B22/1A22 '08
Kang Ming