2nd post for the day.first time in my blogging life im inserting a second post as im feeling really F-ed up.i dunno when will all these end.the more i entertain,the WORSE it gets.fcuking psychotic ass up on my nerves again.and this time,fcuker is up on my nerves BIG TIME.and i mean it,BIG TIME.if not for me wanting to help another good pal of mine,
if not for me wanting to dig out infos from this fcuker,
if not for me being way too lenient,
if not for me insisting that things would not be as bad as it is,
i swear right now i feel like slamming this fcuker left right up down and center.
u make me sick.get it?u make me really sick.i dun believe those things came out from u.seriously i dont.because due to the simple fact that i have never once encountered ur kind of fcuking person.i never do expect that people like u existed.but thanks to u,u have PROVEN it to me that a fcuker like u DOES exist!thank u very much!im so tired of being riled up because of u.im so tired of thinking too much because of u.im so tired of pretending because of u.im so tired of hearing and seeing people suffer because of u.SERIOUSLY IM TIRED!!!GIVE ME A BREAK!!FOR GOD SAKE!!GIVE ME A BREAK!!i know im foolish enough to make myself feeling very affected just because of u fcuking nitwit nincompoop.' if something were to happen to him,i swear eventhough ure not directly involve,u will have the honour of being the first person i will put the blame on!MARK MY WORDS___________________________________________________________________________________basically i have nothing better to do other than rot at home during this CNY.rot watch tv and ONLINE.oh,plus surfing for neverending nonsense on the com.to be frank,i have no direction in life if i have nothing to do.okay,the best part during these few days was yesterday.initially went to send my siblings for religious class.bla bla bla went to meet rahman at causeway at 11.15am.he went for interview at POLAR.wth.he should try for MOS BURGER instead.lol.went library to return my books and also to borrow books.surprisingly im addicted to the comics section.-_-".well in the end i only borrowed 2 books and both are NOT comics.something to do with my dear country.stupid rahman kept rushing me for time and i felt like spanking him halfway.so bloody irritating.we went to grab a bite and headed home.reached home about 1.30pm.mom and dad also just reached home.i asked mom if she's going anywhere after picking up my bro n sis from religious class at 2.30pm later.well she and dad planned to go to JB.usually,i will be jumping for joy.but i dunno why this time round i just felt lazy.even mom everytime nagged at me."ohh if going out to meet friends can instant disappear.if go out with family lazy la wad la"basket.last time everytime when i want follow mom and dad go wherever they heading to,i will always kena nag.this time round i dunwan go,also kena nag.wtf they want.i was really lazy to go out when out of a sudden i thought of something.i told mom i will only go if she allow me to bring another person along.even before i told her who i wanna bring,she can clearly guess who was it.of course if not for my dearest RaInEy!hahaha.my deeply close-knitted relative aka family member of all.called him up to find out if he was available.yes he was!and he was darn shocked when i told him that in fact my parents asked him along too.lol.because it's very RARE!went TEBRAU CITY.so called the biggest JUSCO?lol.well it's my favourite place aka shopping mall if i drop by JB at any point of time.mom want to go there of course to what?to shop!typical women.ROFL.and dad went there to what?to makan!got loads of variety of nice restaurants there for dad to enjoy himself in.and my siblings went there to what?play arcade and dunno what la.kids will always be kids.and me and RaInEy go there to what?WATCH MOVIE!!!dun think we got nothing better to do okay.with the price of one movie ticket in Singapore,u can watch 2 movies in JB!what a good deal.guess what movie we watch.SWEENEY TODD!!!!!it's an M18 movie.although both of us are just 16 going on 17,we really do have our own 'matured' way of going in.muahahahahah.well well well.sweeney todd is m18 not because got THOSE kind of DIRTY stuffs that most of u all out there may think.it's just due to the gore element inside.the movie was superb.it was actually some kind of musical.Johnny Depp has a nice voice!really.the picture and storyline of the movie were also excellent.just only one weakness.the gore element in it was not as hardcore as expected.basically alot of slitting of throats right in front of your eyes and the grinding plus burning of corpse.lol.it's not as gore as some of those kind of gore element movie i've watched like SAW which only has a rating of of NC16.i guess government shud reconsider putting M18 for movie such as SWEENEY TODD because it will be their own loss.although i adore gore movies,where theres alot of blood involve,when in the cinema,like many other people around,my heart as well as RaInEy's kept stopping halfway.oh and at some point of time,we even shouted.but well,great movie.after the movie,went jalan-jalan and bought some stuffs.and as usual,mom really had a good time chatting with RaInEy,leaving me to listen to dad's 'lecture' on how to find a good restaurant.wtf.went to eat seafood after that.headed to our favourite seafood restaurant near the sea.dad really ordered alot of things until it filled up the whole table.oh ya some dishes also had no space and we need to cramped up everything on the table.well i didnt tried each and every dishes unlike RaInEy who claimed this is a rare and once in a lifetime opportunity.-_-".i savoured upon my favourite stingray and dumbass RaInEy even fought with me for his share on the stingray.wth.after eating all of us headed down to DANGA BAY!as it was only about 6pm,still early we again went jalan jalan at the night market there.damn alot of imitation goods but nahh.i never even bought anything except for DVDs.original or pirated,figure it out urself.ssshhhhh~mom and dad plus siblings dunno watch what LIVE band.siansation.i suddenly thought of a brilliant idea.with permission granted from parents,i dragged RaInEy with me to karaoke!haha.yes,karaoke!it's also as good as jamming right.one song 1RM.kept LOL-ing there.we bought 30RM means 30 songs.muahahaha!we really karaoke-d like theres no tomorrow.most of it were rock songs.dammit.darn nice.the sound from the speaker,the bass,the microphone.cant be compared to our USS sucky PA system.30 songs mind u.took turns to sing.most of the time i sang la.we really had a great time.from around 6 plus we started,we ended around 9 plus.both of us felt exhausted at the end of it.but we really do have a great time.went to drink coffee,had a lil chat and all of us decided to head back home.dad wanted to go through the shorter route but heavy traffic jam.people going back to SG before CNY end.damn lot of cars la.then dad went for the long route.second link.also heavy traffic jam but not as bad as the previous one.when we just reached the causeway,it was already 10.30pm.and we stil have a long way to go before reaching the immigration counter.so long~if not for RaInEy,i would have been bored to death.me and RaInEy were practically singing,talking,laughing,cursing and gossipping about people to whom it may concern.and ya,we even reminisced the past plus TALKED about RaInEy's LITTLE BROTHER.*inserts big big smile*finally got out from all the immigration and checkpoints at about 12 am.-_-".roughly about 1 n half hr we have been stranded in the traffic jam.sent RaInEy off to his house and me and my family went back home.so tiring and exhausting but one thing most important to me,i really did enjoyed myself.i guess RaInEy did as well.we really became closer after this day.okay.no more enjoyment and happiness.now back to depression mood.-_-"
11:37 PM
how many donkey years have i not blogged??lol.some people say my blog is dead.my blog is rotting.my blog is collecting dust.when the last post i had posted was just merely 4 days ago.-_-".gimme a break.im quite busy with some matters these few days.so cant blog that much.FRIDAY 1 Februaryearly morning same routine.rot n rot.not really rot.went kb house to take some of my things.chit chat plus gossiped plus alot more.damn funny.especially the high pitched "C****" made by kb during irene pok's time.ROFL.kept procrastinating in polishing boots.but in the end,nth was done after some thoughts.met jannah before heading to school together.got ourselves ready to take our respective squads.nothing much la this day.kb and sec 3s also not in unit.so carry out with CT cum component training.cadets were dismissed early.all so happy.aftermath of training was a disaster.OMG.shan't elaborate much.altho BOSS was also there,shouldnt trigger his patience.if not,die.luckily there's my twin towers helping me throughout.=)))SATURDAY 2 FebruaryHRC day!!been waiting for this day eversince my RC days during CIBTC.not only me,but also other area 20 peeps in D07.woke up 5 oclock.thought of waking up 530 as usually toilet will be jammed.then i woke up 5 oclock for nothing as only this day,people go work and sch late so no need toilet so early.basket.prepared my stuffs and set off around 6.10am.went 7 eleven to buy iced latte can one.totally ignorant to the fact that im not used to having breakfast early in the morning.drank the whole can only to feel like vomitting after that which was so sucky.saw kb come in to gate.was seriously damn shock to see the other 2 'extra' people with her.Kiat Hong n Razak.especially Razak!!omg.kb purposely hide it from me.-_-".then i know my journey inside bus towards jetty will be a LMAO one.my guess was right.on my right,Razak was with his ever neverending jokes n craps.on my left,Jannah with her neverending singing.Jannah sang until SO loud.dangdut pulak tu.me n Razak keep laughing until i felt like vomitting.we still can dance off to the tune of Jannah's singing.then got this one time.right Razak?MEE TOH.wth.ROFL-ed for nothing.this is what i called,SAD CHILDHOOD.hahaha.reached Jetty,took bumboat to Ubin.the feeling of going there is shiok because i know i wont be staying overnight there.lol.took van up to Nordin campsite.we thought we're the first to reach.but we saw people with Yellow shirt with 'VICTORIANS' at the back.suddenly thought of Kang Ming but he's nowhere in sight.he should have come.LOL.no he shouldnt because i will look at him one kind.VS is soo intimidating!!!!but no doubt,they were good.km im sincere.=)waited and Zhenghua came.i saw IVAN.west spring came.i saw RAZAK.kranji came.i saw JULITTA.i saw NICOL.bukit panjang came.i saw SOON KENG(WOOHOO!!)i saw MING JUN.teck whye came.i saw AFIQ.regent came.i saw NOTHING.lol.everyone started to get high when saw each other.i damn high when i saw my sister.right SISTER?hahahaha.Unity get to try Flying Fox first.not bad.my time for HRC which was last year,Unity was also the first to try.afterwhich they tried leap of honour.each n everyone of them was so LOL.then they proceed for the tunnel.OMG.worse.so many people got in.i think 5 at a time.girls one group guys one group.both also shouted inside like wth.wonder what they doing inside.o.0...nothing of THAT sort ah.naughty ar u all.afterwhich,they had their lunch.then proceed back to foyer for some activities.as the weather was raining,the HRC activities were held up.sadded.RAZAK n JULITTA perform their soft skills.eppo e tai tai.ROFL!JULITTA kena whacked by SOON KENG to teach that infront of everyone.RAZAK another clever one.boy boy~ clap clap.girl girl~ clap clap.trying to follow THAMBI.pskandan must be choking now.SOON KENG another one.yandao clap clap!chiobu clap clap!i instant ROFL!!CIs were doing the 'everybody dance now' thingy.we thought of doing it together.but this Nicol dunno how it goes.and i was like har? and -_-".lol.we still did a cheer though.'cheer'CIIIIIIIIIIIIIIsssssssss HAAAAAAA!lol k lame.because one of the school did that.so we follow.-_-".time flies damn fast and rain still havent stop.no choice,need to proceed back home.we were ENTERTAINED by VS cheers.damn zai la.at the moment i felt like asking Kang Ming what were the cheers they have.k whatever.received messages.haiz.dun wanna talk about it.just too tired to think.SUNDAY 3 Februarysuppose to be having reunion lunch with MR GOD and his chipmunks(as being quoted by jesper)but MR GOD had a bad headache.too bad so only his chipmunks went reunion lunch among themselves.location was in lot one pizza hut.the chimpunks were myself,jesper,haolin,jiahui and claudia.jiahui was so happy to see me.miss the days sitting beside her during p6.while she's the hao ren,im the huai ren.likewhat we always claimed ourselves as last time.lol.haolin really transformed drastically.i nearly cant recognize him.i only remembered him sitting diagonally behind me during p5.and he's the only one who could do the last math qs during our p5 MID YR.i still wont forget.made chaos in pizza hut.jesper and his neverending HAHA disturbance and also his alot alot of jokes.watermelon.papaya.orange.OMG!i cnt believe jesper told me a joke about that.proceed to causeway point after that.went walk2 tour around.jesper need to take things from someone for CNY.then we all proceed up to BANQUET.jesper who was still hungry bought roti prata as likewhat he claimed,nowadays he has been craving for indian food.-_-".he said the uncle buay song him when give curry until one big bowl.ROFL.!!!we spent about nearly half n hour in ctrl station deciding where to go.most of the time we spent by laughing.in the end,we headed to jesper house do stun.lol.played monopoly.hahaha.jiahui n claudia got pissed by jesper as because of him,they everytime landed in jail.afterwhich,played ps2.naruto.-_-".haolin played until so childish.too bad jesper has only one console.as he's the only child,of course only he play right.only child.how cool.after that,went UT to have dinner with jiahui,claudia n haolin before proceeding home.this is one of the best MR GOD chipmunks cum 5E class of 2002 gathering.we will be having another one very soon.with our white robes and bible.jesper leading the choir and elevation of us in the arrival of MR GOD.ROFL la.MONDAY 4 Februaryuntil here i damn tired to type le.NPCC CNY celebration.cadets played games.water games and more.did performance.mostly fun and leisure la.as the name goes,it's a celebration.seeing everyone seems to be having fun,at least theres a feeling of satisfaction in me.went for dinner in mac with arron,ricky and kh.mostly chatted about nonsense and irrelevant stuffs.codes and GENERAL KNOWLEDGE.now i realise the more people grow,the more childish they get.we were in mac for quite some time until at around 8.30,saw 2 familiar figures.one,is my ex classmate whom i total hate him to the core.total hate.the other one,sent me goosebumps+made me stun+OMFG+im freaking out.TWL spidey 11.as best as i can,i dunwan let them recognize me.but to think back,they realised it was me anyway.instant get out of mac.can sense sumthing is gonna happen.few moments later,as expected,received message from ... .i know and can expect le.TWL spidey 11 sure report me one.acted as if nth happen.but the more i acted as if nth happen,the more bad feeling came to me.walked towards my block and was talking on the phone with ricky.when out of a sudden....dun wish to elaborate about it.i know it's the aftermath of 3 February deal."ming tian lot one...........(censored)"____________________________________________________________________let some pictures do the talking yeah.
this is my CUTE aaron teo jun kim having tuition in kb house.dun be decieved by this studious side of him.u all are in for more.
this naughty cum cheeky fella just refuse to do his work.hands kena tied by kb so that his pen will always be with him.
he thinks it's cute
this was to keep his mouth shut from spouting nonsense.
and he chose to play with it.see,how naughty
he really looks retarded.but we had no choice as he cant stop talking.
really taped his mouth to the max.
we even get to the extent of tying his left hand to the chair so that he cant take out the tape from his mouth neither could he release the twine from his right hand.
so clever and naughty.he peeled off the tape himself and suffer the pain.too bad.
i find this very cute until i even put it as my hp wallpaper.lol.despo.NOT!
okay,random.back from causewayafter having dinner with kb.
this is the upgration i talked about in me previous post.small fake diamond stud to a big one.nice.
chipmunk 1,Wong Hao Lin.beware when he slicing the pizza.he will shook the whole table.
chipmunk 2 n 3.left,Claudia Chan Wan Qing (yes i remembered!)right,Liu JiaHui

chipmunk 4
this is Tong Jing Jesper aka AH TONG aka USM aka MR GOD junior.see how he's savouring on his curry.finding rifle ah?lol.
AH TONG said the uncle buay song him until gave him this much curry.ALOT LA!!!
Jesper aka AH TONG acting cute dunwan let us go out of his house.
HRC time!do u spot NICOL,JULITTA,AFIQ and RAZAK??i bet u all do.
JULITTA aka sister sian-ed to the max

this is JULITTA!!SISTERlove!!oh yeah!we do enjoy seeing girls jumping the leap-of-honour.u know what i mean.*winks*doesnt she looks like MACRINA by giving that pose???LOL!
this is AFIQ.i asked him pose for the cam and he gave me that.wow.
this is RAZAK.as usual,u dunnid ask him pose.he cn self service pose himself.
Nicol actually busy fixing his helmet.the helmet too big and his head is small.he said wait until he wore his helmet then i cn take his photo.
Nicol with his helmet on.BLUE colour helmet!!which was supposed to be for girls.he abit pissed about it.but still,he pose for my camera and also acting cute with his camera.
sec 4/5 HRC area 20 + Victoria School.didnt manage to take photo of Ivan as he was at the flying fox area.sorry about that.
dun wish to continue anything from here.
sorry for any inconvenience caused.
11:23 PM