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Tuesday, October 7, 2008


hello everyone I am back.dun worry it's not permanent.i know this blog here has been collecting alot of dusts eversince dunno when.because im currently leading a very happy life by keep updating on my new site.of course i am back here with a motive right? well let me see...

basically i so called miss blogging here.no matter what blogger is still the most popular domain for all users.i did spent some time reading through some of my previous posts in here.was actually quite surprised as i was totally a different person here than i am now in my current site.i realised that throughout the time i had been blogging here,i was unhappy most of the time.alot of things happened which made me what i was and therefore influenced my style of blogging.

well if you think that i have coolen down,then ure wrong because the hatred is still there.it will not and will never be gone.i just dun wanna waste my time thinking about it.

okay so i am here in commemoration of Hari Raya to apologise to the ppl whom i have wrong.u may call me childish or what but i will never forgive that bitch for whatever she had done.im here to apologise to all my friends and all those people whom i have wronged or misunderstood..

- my 6 women cliques especially Jannah who have been thru alot with me
- my 2 male bitches Rahman and Jonathan
- my current MASQOTOZ mates
- my unit CIs Al, Shu and Eng Chuan
- my fomer squad U04 especially Koh Jia Hao
- squad U05 especially the u-know-who people like Ricky,KennethHo, Arron etc.

i would like to extend my whole apologies to all these ppl.i may have apologised to most of them before but i know it will never be enough.it just dread me the most on how alot of people were affected by what i had done previously.especially Jia Hao.there were really alot of things happen to us and im really glad we're back being friends.best friends like how we used to be.thanks for everything.

im happy and proud of myself to have all my loved ones around me.alot of things may have happened.like currently,im going through one of the toughest time in my life.alot of strain of emotions were involved.i have gotten rid of my tagboard as u all can see.if there's anything,do get back to me personally.i just wanna put up this blog to be on display.no matter what,it keeps on track as to what happened all these while.

im blogging to the style of what im currently blogging in my new site.full of vibes and colours.so feel and sense urself what kind of life im currently leading.a true HUMAN kind of life.thanks to all who are always there for me.

i have a very good friend.or a so called indirect sworn sibling of mine currently in the hospital.ICU.he was involved in an accident with my BOSS.but his condition is currently deteriorating.he may or may not survive.so please help me in this favour by praying for his safety.and in return,all of you will be blessed with a good lifel.me as well as the others really need all of ur prayers.it may help our this friend recover.please do help.

i will update or may not update.this is not my permanent blog anyways.

8:34 AM

Saturday, May 31, 2008

for the benefit of people who do not have access to my new site,
let me just do a short post here.
i kinda miss my blogging days in blogger.
i read thru all my previous posts.
i realised that i am a much more HAPPIER person now than ever before.
theres not much unhappiness that i needa think off.
let me just do a short summary of what i wanna say all these while okay.

i have alot of eyes out there.
even if u block me,
i cannot see u.
but many people out there can help me see you.
i admit that i envy the propagandas that u made in ur msn nick.
eventhough i may not see them.
but dont worry,
i have seen it all.
thanks arr

one more thing.
the F-ing biaaaatch that i kept saying was not like whom u think.
it was about u all this while.
eversince from the start.
it was not that netball captain i said about.
i have nothing wrong with her.
although both of us have some misunderstandings happening,
but it was solved AGES ago.
i just made use of her to increase the doubts in u.
since u had realised that ure the one i have been talking about all these while,
then congratulations.
i dunnid to make use of that netball captain anymore.
mainly was because i remembered she was once my friend,
a very good friend.
we shared alot of stuffs together n i cherished all those times i spent with her.
until now,
even if alot of shits happen in our friendship,
she's still my friend.
unlike u,
who had been a total stranger to me all this while...

9:18 PM

Sunday, May 4, 2008

i guess some people will die when they come here n see i didnt update anything.
furthermore when i announced that i have MOVED.
i just got to know that some particular people have been asking around for my new blog url.
trust me if u know that u land under the F.U.C.K category in my life,
u will NEVER know my new blog url.
im not that sadist in my current blog but when im blogging in this blog,
all those anger suddenly come up to me.
guess this blog only suits when im really in the angry mood.

once again i say,
if u really have that burning desire to know my new blog url,
come ask me personally.
dun make a fool of urself by asking other people who dun even know my new site.
this is seriously freaking hilarious.
shock to c me update here right?
yeahh im just here to make things clear once again to people who DONT understand english in my previous post.

dun worry bitch my life is fun-filled with the birth of my new blog.
also credits of it being born goes to you =))))))

at least im not a coward,chicken,humji or whatever.
and i dun ask people to log in to read my blog.
if u think its u,then its u.
it u think its not u,then not u.
get a life

12:31 AM

Sunday, April 20, 2008

hello everyone!!
i have OFFICIALLY MOVED to a new site.
dun bother searching for my blog in blogger.
u will take forever.
i dun use blogger anymore.
because im very sick of it,
it gives me alot of problems,
and it sucks.
suck as in SOME people will be very happy to just be able to access to my post free n easy.
i have never considered making my blog private in blogger.
cos it doesnt make sense.
and for people to hack in is like quite an easy task.
so why bother to take risk.

since my BOSS also has started a blog,
and his Xiao Di aka Ricky also,
i might as well join them.
and if ur curious to know,
all our three blogs are NOT registered under blogger.
too bad.

i will only reveal my new site address to those whom really deserve it.
if any of u wants to view my new site,
kindly ask from me my url personally.
if u know that regardless of what happen i wont tell u anything about my life anymore,
so dun bother n be a thickskin to ask me.

this MIGHT be the last post im posting in blogger.
bcos it holds alot of memories in it.
the blog will still be here.
tagboard will still be here.
i will still come and reply to tags if i have the time to do so.
and if u cant reach me thru msn or wad,
do leave me a tag telling me that u wanna noe my new site url.
if ure loved,
i will give u.
the only difference is that i wont be posting up here anymore unless i suddenly miss posting in here.

so take note ya'll.
no more blogger for me!
my new site rocks!
i simply LOVE using it.
thanks to BOSS for the inspiration. =)

' ure already doomed.
stop saving ur own backside.
as i say,
u can always hide.
but u can NEVER run away

1:37 AM

Thursday, April 17, 2008

went school SUPER early.
cos class starts at 8am.
jammed MRT.
but still,
i enjoyed today's programme!

other than the lesson,
mainly is the entertainment that really made my day.
each lesson there will b something new coming in.
like WebPublishing,
people busy msn-ing each other IN CLASS.
like this DEV who purposely msn-ed me when he sat right infront of me. -_-"

3D class would be the best.
had fun with the MAYA thingy.
also a whole lot of laughing session with that Shawn.
blame him on his spastic Hello Kitty.
and other shit stuffs too that really made us laughed for the whole time.
and laughed as in,
Laughing My Fcuking Ass Off

very good thing is i get to know my classmates better.
was practically crapping la whole time.
let me see if i can remember ALL my classmates name.

Zhang Ke
Yong Bin

i can rmbr everyone's name!!

tml first lesson start 1.30!!
finally can sleep late and wake up late.
but will need to head down to SP to buy those freaking books.
im awaiting the html one.
like damn interesting.


dun contradict urself can?
why has it been ur professionalism?
being a POSER?
and a FAKER?
it is definitely SO FAKE la when i found out wad i c.
u shud be grateful that i didnt note down ur name or what u have done in here.
u will get the biggest humiliation in life.
in fact,
ur pride has already gone also right also partly because of this.
but too bad that u DUNNOE that we know about it.
go la.
continue cooking up fake conversation with people who DUN EVEN EXIST.
sad childhood


i look at BOSS and his Xiao Di's blog i DAMN JEALOUS okay.
both of them created a blog each few minutes ago.
inspired by BOSS's GREAT idea.
i really LOVE the format and custom settings of their blog la.
and their blogs are NOT registered under blogger.
once im very sian with blogger,
i may move to a new blog like theirs.
like soo cool can.
no more .blogspot.com over there.
but it's .-i wont reveal here.com
blogger is getting more unsafe and im seriously like tired of using it.

' xanga,livejournal,wordpress.
i wanna move in into one of these like theirs!
im so jealous can

11:51 PM

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

i know that i didnt update on yesterday's event.
i was really busy surfing some interesting websites.
k here it is..

Tuesday 15 April

first class started at 11am.
very good la start late
k the main point i wanna talk about here is
HO CHEE MENG 's lecture!!

im soo gonna love his lectures man.
he make lectures soo interesting.
i had fun and in the process also,
i learn.
only Shawn n ShengYang may know wad i meant by that. XDDDD

and i swear that Shawn is like really like a duplicate of FABIANKOH only as in personality la but appearance wise,
he's like a duplicate of MARIO.
he really damn entertaining can?!
it was quite unexpected he sat on my left in the lecture theatre while ShengYang sat on my right.
and we began crapping throughout the whole 2hrs lecture.
and learn also okay!!
tall guys always got their another part of the brain stimulating.
i wonder why.

k lets talk about KAYDEN.
he was freakingly from UNITYSEC!!!
and only until Cheryl told me then i know.-_-"
k its not im oblivious of my own sec sch ppl k.
KAYDEN was suppose to be a year 2 student in SP but he transferred from interior design course to my digital media course.
thats why la...
then we were like,
" i never c u before lei"
then i go check unity sec class photos.
finally i spotted him.
how can i not know man.

now i got an addition to my overnight msn conversation.
can crap the shit out of ourselves.

Today 16 April

start of the lesson again with MATH.
Wong or WingKee or whatever he wanna me to call him really make me change my perspective on math teachers.
maybe if i had him during my secondary school days,
i WILL LOVE math.
he's so cute.
the way he teach okay.
i duwan a guy who looks like he's a father of five.

after that was breakkk!!!!
one lesson only then break.
after eating,
played DAIDEE with ShengYang,Shawn n JianXiang.
cant believed i won quite a number of times.
at least everyone won once la.
Shawn was damn impatient can.
just cant wait to win n dun even give me the chance to say whether i wan pass anot.
he still can joked about VAYKAY~.
please la.
its VICKI.
u VIWAWA obssessor.

after break was WebPublishing practical.
its basically about talking in html codes.
at least im familiar with it.
it benefits well for those who have blogs.
n the lesson is definitely interesting.
and it soo happens that Rahimi sat beside me.
now i get to experienced what he has got to say.
really crappy can.
he had trouble with his wireless connection n is still so happy about it.
n when we were doing the html thingy,
he was soo obssessed with powerpuff girls.

in the process,
my wireless also got cut off for quite a couple of times la.
but still able to be busy msn-ing in the process.

lessons ended half n hr earlier.
basically today im in school for only 2 lessons.
proceed back to Dover station n board the train.

something bad actually happened in the middle.
dont wish to comment.
it's not anyone's fault anyway.
it's just some stupid people trying to be more stupid.
dunnid to regret over things that had happened.
im the one getting it though.

k tml my first class start at 8am.
i hate it.
imagine the bus.
imagine the mrt.
imagine the roads.
can someone send me a helicopter as a birthday gift?

but i really look forward to go school these few days.

' BOSS it's okay la.
ure not at fault.
dun worry.
i just wan u to be back like normal again.
please adapt to ur school.
im deeply aching

10:40 PM

Monday, April 14, 2008

First day of school today.
all i can say is dots...
eversince secondary school and even up till now,
i have never experience a good start on the starting day of the week.
Monday's timetable is the longest and most lag one.
to add on,
first lesson of the day starts early and i had to squeezed in with loads more people in the MRT.
and that's seriously people,
still is from YewTee up to JurongEast and up to Dover.
imagine the transit moments and the millions of people rushing in just to get inside the pathetic MRT.
it's like as if there's only one MRT working in Singapore.
okay thats not the main point.

every Monday,

means every starting day of the week,
FIRST lesson.
it is a lecture on MATHEMATICS.
whatever that had been said was right afterall.
i can NEVER escape from math.
even received whole stack of notes and tutorial which will see me through the semester.
today's chapter being covered is on MATRICES.
and this chapter will benefit those who had taken Amath before in Secondary school.
for people like me,
sorry to say,
i MUST blend well.

u can call me 'wong' or 'wing kee'.

today i dunno how many times i did a so called ice breaking thingy until i get tired of it.
CD lesson would be the most interesting one today although it's among the longest.
basically is because we did that oh-so-common-lame game which turns out to be fun.
of course it is when 1B/22 is concerned.
DEV plays musical instrument,exercises regularly,like rainy days,speak more than one language,is an only child,has a special talent(dancing),watch ICE AGE 2.
he really can fill up alot of things there.
first day only the whole class was in chaos.
was practically sticking up to Sheng Yang all the time la.
Lunch time the whole lot of us went to have our lunch in Foodcourt 6.
well 2 hours break is DEFINITELY long. -_-"

all i can say is that there are quite a number of jokers in my class.
DEV is of course one of them.
one more joker.
he really reminded me of FABIAN.
like seriously.
his actions and all that.
even the way he smiled and laughed.
really like that FABIAN lj sia.
and SHAWN was also the joke of the day.
after lesson which was before lunch time,
he went to i dunno where.
he called up Iskandar to find out where are all of us eating.
Iskandar replied to him Foodcourt 6.
we wonder wth he heard,
he went all the way to Foodcourt 3 which was right over near the other end.
only to realised that he was at the wrong place when he called back Iskandar.
we waited for him and there he came drenched in sweat.
he was really perspiring profusely!!
seems like he just got back from a marathon or something.
with his bag and all that.
everyone was practically laughing la but its okayy.
and Shawn is born on the 12th of September!
yeah baby.
and he still can tell me how he wish he was born a day earlier. -_-"

oh ya.
i nearly forget.
KAYDEN really resembles BOSS!!!
this is sooo really similar ok.
his facial expressions and all that.
even the voice!
he's a nice guy too.
i find his name quite interesting.

okay at least tomorrow is not that bad.
lesson starts at 11am and only ends at 4pm.
including the 1 n a half break.


BOSS is feeling so miserable.
he said he cannot adapt to his NEW ENVIRONMENT.
he named his school as the black hole.
he named the people there as aliens.
being one of the students there,
does that make him an alien too??

i admit i laughed at him okay.
but im also worried la.
while im already starting to get use to my new environment,
BOSS is not.
and from his way of talking to me,
it sounds really different with the element of sadness in it.
lets wait for a few more days okay.
first day today just give leeway la.

if he's still like that,
i will never have peace in my mind.
god bless his soul and give him the strength. =))

' nothing is too long or too far.
one stop away.
one phonecall away.
one sms away.
be strong k

10:38 PM

16 going on 17
USS-officially graduated
SP-digital media
NPCC - Cadet Inspector
LINKIN PARK is crave

a DEVIL yes i am
im NOT who u think i am
dont judge me by first impression
dont make ur own conclusion about me
if u wish to provoke me
thats ur choice
but dun blame me for being RUTHLESS
i dont force u to visit my blog
u cn take ur leave or ***k off if u feel intimidated
(the last word was a fake)

the ONES
SP 1B22/1A22 '08
Kang Ming